Prior to “The Wizard of Oz in the Wild West” – 6/28/19 6:00 p.m.

Ripplin’ Waters will be performing for about an hour (approx. 6-7 pm) before the performance of:


Big Bear Historical Society Presents

“The Wizard of Oz in the Wild West”

A Comedy by Willard Simms


With a cast of local favorites:

Suzy Carpenter, Bobby and Nanette King, Jocelyn Leech, Dennis London, Steve Mangels, Matt Moran, Sarah Moran, Elena Peavy, Margo Penardi, Bob Perry, Stephen and Odette Von Castleberg, and Dee Weston.

There will be opportunity drawings, Museum gift shop items and refreshments at the door, the Museum, or from Historical Society and cast members.


Suggested donation: $10.00 – adults, $5.00 – under 10.

This is a fundraiser for the new Museum parking lot!


The performances will be held at Calvary Chapel – 713 Stocker Road, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc. Englewood, CO

There are performances on June 27th at 7:00 p.m., June 28th at 7:00 p.m. and June 29th at 4:00 p.m.


Ripplin’ Waters will be performing before the Friday, June 28th performance ONLY.

Ripplin Waters Band
